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Friday, December 5, 2008

A Poem for My Friends Passing

I lost my friend on wednesday.
Even though I knew this passing was happening for several months, when the call finally came it was hard. I will miss my friend for a long time, and nothing will be the same without him... Goodbye my friend, rest well.

A gentle breeze caressed my cheek
I felt my heart take wing.
It came from beyond yet very close
a breeze that astounded me.

How gentle and kind
its content was,
it gave me warmth inside.
I felt – I knew it was full of Grace
a Grace that made me whole.

I thought for a moment,
understood its call,
and knew my world had changed,
for within that touch was a fond farewell
a farewell from a loving soul.

I knew at once whose call it was,
I gave a quiet sigh.
How gentle a breeze
how small its touch
yet deep inside I felt,
a gentle soul I knew so well
was quickly passing by.

If I could just hold on I thought
and never let him leave.
I thought for an instant
I could control his path
since his journey was not complete.

I knew at once I must let him go
to complete his passage home.
I said goodbye,
and felt him go,
with eyes filled full of tears.
I said, “God speed”
as he left this world
for he was sure of his final goal.

Alone again I could feel my heart
sad and empty it became,
but then as quickly as I felt its loss
it filled with joy and peace.

I knew whose soul had passed me by
for I knew his gentle smile.
That smile – that gift was all he had
it lit everything it touched.

Then quickly as he left this world
I heard a quiet sigh,
He said, “farewell my journey’s done
I’ve nothing more to give.
Just give my joy to all you meet
and light their inner flame.

Remember me as you go your way
and impart love in countless ways.
Improve your world,
become the way,
spread love to all you meet.
For within you lies your Creator’s gift
a gift for all to see.

It is within that brief instant in time
that you will honor me.
To love, to hug, and give joy to all
is my gift for eternity.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry for your loss Diane! We knew my brother-n-law was dying too but the phone card still hard to take.
