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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Takeing Care of Myself

For several months I've been telling one of my friends that he has to take care of himself first before anyone. Then I realized that I haven't been following my own advice.

Those of you who know me, I've been having a battle with my weight for an entire lifetime. I've gone on diets and started the exercise program, but then became lax about it, and my interests would go from helping myself to helping others. Well as my friends granny would say " Practice what you preach sister!" So I am.

Yesterday I went to see Dr Kane, a physician/surgeon , that I've been a patient of before. He had seen me at various stages of my weight, but when he saw me yesterday, he had asked why it had taken me so long to come back to him for help.

He had helped me to lose a fairly good amount of weight several years ago, and I have to admit, I didn't want to go back to face him out of my embarrassment of failure. I had put all the weight I lost back on, and then some. But I instinctively knew the kind of Doctor he is, he kindly gave me a little lecture, ( which I needed and wanted) and he gave me the guidelines of what I have to do before he could perform any type of surgery on me in the future. Which means that I have to at start taking care of myself, and lose 50 pounds, and gradually start an exercise program, and so on.

Which also means I have to be selfish instead of selfless, and focus on my own needs before the needs of others. If I keep on walking the path I am, I know I will be denying myself the long life I so desire.

So basically in this situation it isn't a bad thing for me to focus on myself before anybody,then I can be a blessing to everyone else. So I'm going to give you 12 suggestions for taking care of yourself so you can be happy and well, and live a good long life.

1. Learn to air your feelings.
Don't keep them bottled up inside you. Share your sorrows and disappointments with someone you trust. Remember, expressed feelings are changed feelings.
2. Avoid comparing yourself with others by admiring their gifts and ignoring your gifts.
This kind of envy causes self-disgust. Put no one's head higher than your own.
3. Form a small group of people you can call on for emotional support.
Agree to "be there" for each other. Offer advice only when it is asked for. Listen without interrupting. Take turns talking and listening.
4. Take time to play.
Remember that play is any activity that you do just because it feels good. Remind yourself that you deserve to take time to play.
5. Don't forget to laugh, especially at yourself.
Look for the humor in things around you. Let your hair down more often. Do something silly and totally unexpected from time to time.
6. Learn to relax.
You can find books, tapes, programs, classes, instructors and other materials to teach you how to relax. Relaxation improves the mind, helps the body heal, and feels so much better than stress and tension.
7. Protect your right to be human.
Don't let others put you on a pedestal. When people put you on a pedestal, they expect you to be perfect and feel angry when you let them down.
8. Learn to say no.
As you become comfortable saying no to the unreasonable expectations, requests or demands of others you will discover that you have more compassion. When you do say yes to others, you will feel better about yourself and the people you're responding to.
9. Change jobs if you are miserable at work.
First, try to figure out if the job is wrong for you or if certain people are causing you to feel miserable at work. Try paying more attention to the things you enjoy about your job and less attention to the things that annoy you. Remember that all jobs have some unpleasant aspects.
10. Stretch your muscles.
Break a sweat. Go for a walk. Ride a bike. Park farther from the door. Take the stairs. You don't need fancy clothes, club memberships or expensive equipment to add exercise to your daily life.
11. Practice being a positive, encouraging person.
Each time you give others a word of encouragement you not only feel better, but you build up your best self.
12. Pay attention to your spiritual life.
Slow down. Practice sitting quietly. Listen to your inner voice. Spend time thinking about the things which bring peace, beauty and serenity to your life. Find the courage to follow your own spiritual path if a traditional religion has not been helpful for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its something how we can take care of others so well and not listen to our own advice.
Please take are of yourself, you are worth it.
I will keep ya in my thoughts and prayers that you will be able to put yourself first and be able to take care of yourself with the love and compassion you have done for others.