What kind of rubbish will you not tolerate in your life??? To be more specific, what rubbish would you not put up with say in your friendships and/or romantic life? I'll tell you a few things that I won't tolerate, and I have actually ended friendships and other relationships because of them.
The first thing is being a Polly Parrot. There are things that I told a " friend" with the understanding that that information was personal, between the two of us, and before I knew it, everybody and their brother knew all about it. If I wanted that I would have called the National Enquirer and told them myself. I prolly would have made a few dollars to boot !
A second thing would be meddeling parents. If a particular friend or significant other wants to tolerate their parent(s) dictating their actions, that's their crazy train, but when they start dictating to me, what I should do and what I should and shouldn't be doing with my life AND with their child, that is a friendship/relationship ender.
A third thing that bugs the H E DOUBLE TOOTHPICKS out of me -and if you say this dosen't bug you, you aren't being honest- is when I'm in a romantic relationship, the guy always compares his ex girlfriend to me. For example, the guy would make statements such as: " Lisa always did that to me. " or " Lisa did that better." etc. etc. etc. It made me feel insignificant, and no matter what I did " Lisa " would always have done it better. Well you know what I said don't you? Yup, you are right, I told him leave me alone and go back to Lisa since she's so wonderful.
I could go on and on, but you get the point, we all have certain things in our lives that we won't tolerate, and there have been many a time when I've said " See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya." to someone because they just worked a last nerve. The aggravation just isn't worth it.
So now that I've got you thinking, make your own list, you'll be surprised at how long it'll be.
Good Day Sirs and Madames !!
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