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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Idiot Day

Geez, I didn't realize it'd been so long since I blogged, but today I just had too!!!!!!

I just had one of those days when every idiot on the face of the earth just had to cross my path. It started this morning, I was trying to get into my car to go to work, and the old man next door(who is more then an idiot but that's another blog) strolled in to moan about the lawn service I have to fertilize my grass.

Now I have noticed that they hadn't been doing a very good job, and I have some weedage along the left side of my driveway. I was going to make another call to them and complain when I got home this evening to have them take care of it. But Old Man Idiot neighbor came over and started bitching !!! He's just one of those people who isn't happy unless he's complaining.

Anyway I told him, " Look you ! I am neither blind nor stupid, and I am going to call them in due time. But, when I call them I will inform them that if you do so much as come out and tell them what to do, that they send you the bill."

Needless to say he moaned about my statement, which isn't surprising, until I went on to say that I pay the lawn service not him. If he's going to interfere, either he pays them, or he can fertilize my lawn for free. I excused myself and headed off to my job.

The Walmart is in the same area as the grocery store I work for and often I go thru their parking lot to get to the parking lot for my store. ( Yes Billy, I have a WalMart story today)
Well today when I was driving thru the Walmart parking lot, I encountered Kamikaze Idiot.
I was driving less then 5 MPH, when an Asian lady and her three children were coming out of the Walmart. I stopped and gave them the right of way. The three children saw me and stopped, which told me that these children were intelligent and knew to look both ways before crossing. But their mother, Kamikaze idiot wasn't paying attention, and just kept moving. Even though I was at a complete stop, when she looked my way she literally jumped out of her skin. She was surprised that cars were actually moving in the Walmart lot. Well DUH!!! If she has some sort of a death wish, I just hope she doesn't do her Kamikaze thing when I'm around.

I worked my shift with the usual annoyances, but as I was leaving the parking lot to come home, I encountered a whole new crop of idiots. When I get ready to leave, I always wait a minute or two, and look in back of me, because there may be a person pushing a cart of groceries to their car, and they may be moving kind of slow, or one of the cart people may be out rounding up the carts to take inside. I basically make sure I don't hit anyone while backing out of my space. Well, I pulled out of my space, and started driving up the lane, when I'm In A Hurry So I Don't Care If You're Driving Up The Lane Idiot, starts backing out and almost smashes into the front drivers side of my car !!!! Needless to say I layed on my horn, and he stopped. I had seen him in the store earlier when he was doing his grocery shopping, and he was giving the deli manager a hard time. So it just figured that he would cross my path also.

So I get on to RTE 30, after sitting thru 3 cycles of lights, that's how backed up traffic was, when I got behind, Miss I Am Going To Drive 30 Miles Per Hour In A 50 Mile Per Hour Zone. Rte 30 is a 2 lane highway, and in that particular area traffic is kind of heavy at 5 pm, but traffic still moves at 50 miles an hour. The lady driving slowly looked to be in her mid 20's and needless to say she did get the one finger wave from several drivers that she had annoyed besides me. But as slow as she was driving, she probably is still on her way home at this minute.

But I can say that I did make it home safely, and fortunately I don't have anyplace to go this evening. If I did have to leave, I know more then likely I would find a whole new crop of idiots.

I hope you all had a better day then I did.

Blessings and Hugs


Glenna said...

I hate getting behind people that want do the speed limit.. and about the neighbor man.. I kinda think he's got a crush on you.. :P

Dianeisme said...

I hope that old guy next door dosen't have a crush on me!!! I'd have to tell his wife, and then she'd beat him. lol

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I've been here too.

I'm bad, I drive the speed limit and I think I'm doing good when I go 5 over. lol

I hope your neighbor isn't crushing on ya, I would hate to read about a murder -- his wife my kill him.