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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

She's Starting a New Life

My friend Linda got married for the first time in September 2007 at the age of 48. The reason she waited so long to marry was because she wanted to make sure all her personal finances were in order, plus she wanted to make sure she married the right man. Susanna, Linda's cousin called me last night to tell me that her Mr. Right turned out to be Mr. Oh So Wrong, and that her divorce will be final in 60 days.
So here's her story :
She met her soon to be ex husband Elliott in 2005 , on one of those popular match up sites that begins with and E. She really enjoyed the first date with him. The had a lot in common, such as being only children of single parents and spending alot of time with grandparents, they are both professionals that work in a suburb of Chicago and so on. Because of their common interests they both decided that they wanted to see each other exclusively, and so they did.
They took these wonderfully romantic vacations together. They traveled to Italy, Greece, Spain, and even went on Caribbean and Disney cruises. I was excited and happy for Linda because like me she always seemed to attract the weirdos. Now it seemed like she found her soul mate.
Eventually they traveled down south to meet his granny and various other family members. She described the event as pleasant but that Elliott's granny was somewhat controlling and headstrong. She chose to let this roll off her shoulders, since they lived far enough away from granny that she couldn't possibly interfere with their relationship. But by not addressing the granny problem right away, she regrettably was proved wrong somewhat later.
A big lavish wedding took place in September 2007 with all the bells and whistles. There were 8 attendants for the bride and 8 attendants for the groom. The reception was held at a most elite establishment, with dinner served on Lennox china. There were ice sculptures, and a full orchestra played for the evening. This was defiantly a day that would be long remembered by everyone who was in attendance that fine day.
The marriage was good for a few months, then all at once everything went on a downward spiral. By January 2008 Elliot turned into a diva. The entire universe had to revolve around him, his feelings were always being hurt by the most mundane things, and if he didn't get his way he pouted like a 3 year old. As Linda was describing his actions to me, she had related that she would have preferred a 3 year old around more then the temper tantrum throwing adult she had the misfortune of marrying.
Well unfortunately bad just so happens to get worse for Linda. In August of 2008 Linda came home from work to find that Elliott's granny had moved in to their home. Permanently. Granny proceeded to take control by rearranging the kitchen, the and the living room to her liking, and was very critical of everything Linda did. Granny also had to approve the grocery list. If there was any deviation of that weeks list, it was discarded, and Linda was chastised for buying whatever those items were.
The last straw for Linda was when granny had taken Linda's 11 year old Standard Poodle to the veterinarian to be put to sleep because granny doesn't like dogs. When Linda came home and discovered what happened, the mother of all wars broke loose. In the end Linda packed her things and left because of all the things that transpired. She basically told Elliot that there is only room for 2 in a marriage, and 3 is a crowd.
I feel bad for Linda because she waited so long to be married, and she lost her beloved pet because her husband is such of a granny's boy. I will pray that things will get better for her, and I will also pray for Elliot to cut the granny apron strings, and grow up to be a man.


Anonymous said...

Good Lord.. I can't believe someone would be soooo cruel to get rid of a beloved pet. Horrible granny!
Sounds like Linda's hubby needs to grow a pair of brass balls and act like a man for change.
I'm sorry for Linda, what a way to live in a marriage. poor dear!

Dianeisme said...

I agree with you Martha,I would have done the same in her situation. There are even more things much worse that took place in their short marriage, but I couldn't put them in the blog, I was mortified when I heard them. I'll just pray for Elliot to grow up.