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Friday, January 2, 2009

The Passing of Sharon

Please make sure you watch/listen to the video when you read this.

My dad came from a big family, he had 3 older brothers and 5 sisters, he was the second to the last child that my grandparents had. That also means I have alot of cousins. I have 32 first cousins, 41 second cousins 17 third cousins, and 3 fourth cousins. That is a whole lot of family when I think of it. But as alot of family's do, we don't see everyone as much as we did at kids. The family reunion thing kind of fizzled out a few years ago, mainly because everyone makes some sort of plan during summer vacation, and it was getting harder to make a date to please everyone. I keep contact via telephone or email with some of my cousins who live far away, and it's always a pleasure to speak with them.

My cousin Sharon and her family relocated to Holland, Michigan several years ago, her husbands job changed and that's where his company relocated them. She loved living there and though we didn't contact each other often, she was still thought of an loved by me.

On December 27th 2008 Sharon passed away at the age of 50 due to kidney and liver cancer. Sharon is the first of the cousins to pass away. She had gone to the doctor in early December for something else that was bothering her and she found out that she had the cancers then. She went quickly, and I am just thankful she didn't suffer.

So Sharon you finally got your wings, well deserved they are. I can just see you flapping those things and testing them out. I know you're with Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Bob ( her father) and Aunt Rosie, playing cards, telling stories, and telling good jokes and laughing away, just like we used to do when we were kids. Remember to look down on us every once in a while to make sure we're ok, and if you come to pay a visit, just let us know you're around, like Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Bob and Aunt Rosie do when they come a calling. Save me a seat for when it's my to come join you all, I'll be missing you more then ever, and I will always carry you in my heart.


Anonymous said...

I am very very sorry about Sharon! You are a strong woman of faith, lean on it to help you through! I will pray for you and your family during the difficult time!
Hugs and Love,

Dianeisme said...

Thank You very much Martha, this has been such of a shock to all of my family, God always picks the best flowers from the garden and she was the best.