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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Holidays To You All.

Happy Holidays to you all !!! I have my shopping just about done, all I have to do is get 3 gift cards and VOILA I'm done. Thank goodness for internet shopping, it saved me from the gianormas throngs of people that hit all the malls and Walmart this time of year, plus I got an early start and actually made a couple of my presents this year. I'll be wrapping this weekend, and all will be well for Christmas Eve and Christmas day.

On Christmas Eve, my dad's side of the family usually gathers, well whoever can make it. We're just going to have a small crowd this year, maybe about 15 of us if that many. One of my Aunt's who is in her early 80's had to be placed in a nursing home this past month due to failing health, and a fall that caused her to break her hip. She'll be receiving the proper care she needs there, it was a hard decision for her daughters to make, but it'll be the best for her. So given that, she won't be there. So far I haven't heard if I'm to pick up my 87 year old uncle or not. He isn't supposed to be driving at night, but hopefully he or someone else will get the word to me, he lives less then 10 minutes away from me, and I think he'll enjoy company on the way to the party.

I'll be recieving one of my Christmas presents early this year. A very close friend of mine will be flying in from Singapore to visit . He's originally from the UK and relocated to Singapore for his job. Anyway, he'll be comeing in on Friday, then he leaves on Tuesday to join his family at home in England. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that he's comeing in for a visit. We haven't seen each other for over 2 years, and when he called this past Monday, I swear my joyous scream could be heard all over the world...... well at least my one neighbor heard it, he was outside putting up some sort of decoration, and came knocking on my door to see if I was ok, hahahahaaa.

Anyway I'm wishing each and everyone of you a Blessed and Joyous holiday.

Blessings and Hugs to you all !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays right back at ya my friend.
I hope your Aunt is okay and your Uncle too.
YAY on your friend flying in to see you, such a wonderful gift!
Was that you I heard scream, I didn't know what that was???

Love ya,
Enjoy your company and family!