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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Life After Near Death

This book was written by Matt Stepien, who just so happens to be one of my cousins.
It's his autobiography of his journey back to health, after a near fatal brain injury. With his permission I'll be sharing parts of his journey with you over time. You'll be reading what it's like to:
Have your body self-destruct in 2 hours
Relearn how to talk, sit, stand and walk
Spend 1.5 years in physical therapy sessions
Have new bones grow in your body
Experience intense emotional distress
Deal with a permanent physical handicap
Transform every aspect of your life

I find his journey compelling and heartwarming, not only because he's part of my family, but how he overcame a life threatening illness, but how his life changed afterward, some parts for the better, and some parts not so good. Not only do I admire his strength to survive, but I also admire his wife Esther for her personal strength and love for Matt to help him through his illness. You know the saying: " Behind every successful man is a strong woman." Esther is defiantly that.

About Matt:
In late 2004, Matt was struck down in the prime of life at age 48, by a sudden , unexpected, life threatening, life altering brain bleed, as a result of a virus. His road to recovery was long and painful, taking the better part of two years to accomplish. He has permanent neurologic damage to his lower leg, especially his lower right leg, plus neurologic damage to the balance portion of his brain. He is currently living independently at home with his family, wears a foot/ankle brace, drives a car, walks with a cane, and works as a civil engineer. During this recovery, he has gone through a profound transformation, complete with re prioritization of most aspects of his life, and is moving on with his life in a positive direction. He has never written a book before, and is discovering heretofore unknown talents.

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