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Saturday, November 15, 2008

I'm Apalled How Hateful People Can Be

I watched my friend Billy's Vlog yesterday, and it was basically about how thinner people perceive heavier people. Basically a Fat Chat. I really liked what he had to say because I'm gravitationally challenged also ( but am trying to do something about it) I said to myself , " That would be something good to blog about ! " I have loads to say about the subject, including how I am treated differently because of my extra weight.

So as I sometimes do, before I log onto my blog, I went surfing the net to get other ideas to add into my blog. So one of the searches I googled was " Skinny People and Fat People" The second link I clicked on to made me so mad I was seeing red.

It was a page titled "FAT PEOPLE"and it had a total of 82 posts of men and women who obviously never struggled with weight, hating away on their fellow human beings who are gravitationally challenged. I was just appalled and saddened at how hateful and cruel all those posts were. I know those people behind the posts are far from perfect, and I'm sure they would have similar feelings if they were reading hateful posts about their flaws.

Here's one of the posts that I read on that page ;

Fat folks 76
Fat people piss me off. I was fat for awhile after high school but I got sick of looking at myself and did something about it. Even when I was overweight the whole theory of fat fashion models annoyed the hell out of me. Clothes just do not look as good on fat people. No one wants to see a big bertha walking down the runway in a tube top....sorry. I hated how clothes looked on me when I was fat so I lost all the damn weight. I sure wouldn't want to look at model's who looked as bad as I did. Also fat women have fattitude and it drives me nuts. All the fat women that I know are really bossy, domineering ball-busting bitches. It's like they are always pissed they're fat so they're assholes to everyone. Don't even get me started on the two ton tessies in Wal-Mart riding the damn electrical carts. WALK FAT ASS! IT WON'T KILL YA!

And this was one of the milder posts, one person from the Netherlands even wished death upon heavier people. Now I'm getting worked up again. Maybe in a couple of days I'll be able to do a thoughtfully worded post of how I am treated as a heavy person.

Meanwhile, Many Blessings to all of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this... I watched Billy's vlog too. I am pretty charged up too, only I need to find the right words. lol

Off to my corner to think