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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bad Marriage Choices

I've seen my share of people unhappy with their marriages and leaving them more now then ever. It was uncommon in the '40's and '50's, and even into the mid '60's to hear of divorce. It was even considered a scandal to divorce in some parts of the country. Maybe it's because life was different in those days, and even if you were unhappy in your marriage you stayed for whatever reason there was.

But what I have been seeing quite a bit of, are the amount of divorced men with crazy ex wives. I admit, these men I have met are very nice, but I assure you nothing more then a friendship will ever transpire with me with any of these men as long as the crazy ex is around. The sorrow and aggravation isn't for me. I know, I know how it sounds, but the story I'm will relate to you will explain why, and sadly it is true.

Gary was my best guy friend in High School. We considered each other family, as in brother and sister, and there were people who really did think we had the same parents, that's how close we were. The two of us thought it entertaining when they found out otherwise, and showed their shock and embarrassment. Our motto was: " Assume nothing but the position."

Gary was never in need of a date. He has the most endearing personality that all the girls love, plus he looked "Mahvolus darling". He has dark hair and jade green eyes, and when he looks at you , it's like he could see right in to the deepest corner of your soul. He made each and every one of his dates feel special, and each of them were in their own way.

I always believed goodness attracts goodness. Good people always were attracted to Gary, but one not so nice female got under every ones radar, and got her hooks into him, and made him miserable for the rest of his life.

During our senior year, Gary had taken a job at the K-Mart, and started dating Janet -Godzilla-3 months after he started his job. She looked young, she told him she was 20, but the fact was she was 26. She demanded every single second of his time, she dominated him so, that he wasn't allowed to speak to any of his friends outside of school.

In May when Gary was 18, he married Godzilla believing she was pregnant. Gary's parents told him he didn't have to marry her, but he wanted to do what he thought was right, and went ahead with the marriage anyway.

He forfeited a Scholarship to Rose - Hulman University, and went to one of the satellite colleges in our area, going to school full time and working is no easy task no matter how young or old you are. After 3 weeks of marriage, "Godzilla" miscarried. Gary didn't figure out that she wasn't pregnant at all until a year into the marriage, but he forgave her, because he " loved" her.

When they were married for 2 years, Gary discovered that his wonderful wife was sleeping with other men while he was at work and/or at school, he had enough and filed for divorce. But Janet made it hard for Gary and his family, and divorce proceedings took 2 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to finalize.

Gary got his engineering degree from Purdue Calumet, and thought he had a fresh start on life.


Every time Gary started dating someone he liked, his crazy ex wife would interfere. She did some horribly wicked things to him and any woman that he would be dating. For example she'd slash tires, she was arrested for assault on one of Gary's girlfriends. Well you get the picture, her attitude is, " If I can't have him no one else can either."

Gary so wanted to have a peaceful life. He wanted to remarry, he also wanted children and grandchildren, but his crazy ex wife made it impossible for him to fulfill his needs.

Gary has always been my friend, I never turned my back on him. I just feel bad that he wasn't able to live the happy life he wanted and deserved. But we all realize a marriage is based on alot of things, but three is a crowd, especially if it's a crazy ex wife.


Tommy said...

My ex is crazy but not dangerous. Or is she? Hummmm!!! She did do things when we were married. Hummmm!!!

The verdict is out since I haven't had a real date yet. She hasn't been put to the test yet. Hummm!!!

Billy C. said...

OH HELL! Everybody knows my ex is a nut case and a little loose with her ummmm, yea you know.

Anonymous said...

Great blog! Yep there are some crazy ex wives out there or should I say down right mean. It's really sad when someone can't live their life the way they deserve, in peace.

I think years ago there were some that stayed in the marriage because they felt it was wrong to divorce. I also think back then divorce wasn't considered an option and you had to work it out. Today, it seems like it is a "throw away society" and people just up and divorce at the first site of any trouble.

Although a crazy spouse is a great reason to get one. lol