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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Things that Piss Me Off

1. People who talk on their cellphones when driving and NOT paying attention to the road

2. Idiots who talk at movies - especially the ones who yell at the screen

3. White boy thug wanna-bes. simply pathetic. (a white boy calling another white boy "my n*gga" is one of the most idiotic things I've ever witnessed.)

4. Paparazzi. (I, for one, don't give a fooking crap about what Angelina Jolie ate for lunch on Tuesday, Britney's latest meltdown, or how Tom Cruise controls his wife Katie Holmes.)

5. People who abuse children, women, or animals.

6. Anyone so blinded by their religion that they can't accept the fact others have different beliefs.

7. Magazine adverts or television commericals that prey on people: women must lose weight! men must not lose hair! (commericals generally make people feel terrible about themselves - all just to sell a product.)

8. People that end every sentence they say with "You know what I'm sayin?"

9. People who want to be the center of everyones universe, and if they don't get the attention and/or their way, they wah wah to no avail.

10. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. (idiocy at it's ugliest.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay I am an idoit that talks to the screen, sometimes. I admit it, I get so caught up in the movie I want to help them out. lol