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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Don't Assume

We all know that the word “assume” makes an “ass” out of “u” and “me.” When people make flagrant and obvious assumptions, they tend to make a joke about it. What most people don’t realize is how many times each day they make routine assumptions about the intention of the other speaker, without double-checking with that person. Good listening and reading, requires that you don't assume anything about the intention of the speaker. This rule is especially true in conversations with family, and friends. You learn how they use words and often know their verbal shorthand. This familiarity can lead you to presume that you understand a friend’s, point — without carefully considering what this person is actually saying. Be wary of jumping to conclusions about the speaker’s intent.
Now if a certain someone would have taken the time to learn, and consider my humor, and the context that a comment was written in, I probably wouldn't have chosen to blog about this particular subject until a little later in time. But to jump to the conclusion that my family has never experienced personal tragedy, without knowing any facts whatsoever, well the first highlighted sentence has been proven to be absolutely true.

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